Players will have the opportunity to experience up to 10 different sports across a fun-filled week of camp. Sports typically played include: soccer, lacrosse, handball, flag football, pillo polo and more! Skills covered at camp include rules of each sport, skills and techniques for each sport, teamwork and sportsmanship, development of coordination, balance, agility, and speed. Include Fun activities, competitions, and scrimmages. Every camp is led by professional and energetic coaches, trained to encourage maximum participation, good sportsmanship, and above all - FUN! Multi-Sports Camp is a must for children who are either new to playing sports and want to experience many different forms, or for the sports enthusiast who just can't get enough! All participants will receive a dri-fit shirt. All sports equipment will be provided, for use during the camp day by USA Sport Group. Participants will be grouped by age and ability to ensure all players flourish in an optimum positive environment. Instruction by: USA Sport Group.
Summer Scholarships
A portion of your registration fee will be used to support summer program scholarships.